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Keeping New Haven Safe


​Safety is Mayor Elicker's top priority. New Haven, like every city around the nation, is experiencing an increase in crime. All city departments are working closely alongside regional partners to implement our multipronged approach to addressing crime.


  • Since the beginning of 2021, the New Haven Police Department has taken over 100 illegal guns off the street and made over 100 gun arrests. Additinally, the current administration has implemented a gun buyback program to take more guns off the street

  • Opened a Reentry Welcome Center to support every New Haven resident returning to everyday life from incarceration

  • Implemented the Community Crisis Response Team, which will integrate through 9-1-1 dispatch to respond to certain calls rather than police. Featuring mental health professionals and social services, Justin is shifting our approach to public safety from focused solely on law enforcement to one centered in community well-being

  • Increased walking and bicycle beats to reinforce community policing practices in our city 

  • Strengthened New Haven’s violence prevention programs such as Project Safe Neighborhoods and Project Longevity

  • Invested $1.5M in youth engagement including a Youth Ambassadors job program this summer where young people are paid to clean up the neighborhood and engage with community members, extending summer camps, increasing social-emotional development in summer school, youth-at-work jobs, and more

  • Doubled the number of street outreach workers to interrupt violence and prevent retaliation

  • Restarted the Shooting Taskforce in partnership with surrounding municipalities, federal and state law enforcement to resolve shooting incidents

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